At Enchanted Hollow Stables, we are so incredibly proud of our riding program and all of our riders, and we always do our best to operate our business as honorably and honestly as possible. That is why we make it a priority to respect the guidelines laid out by the Minnesota Department of Health and the Governor of Minnesota during these unique times.

We took a lot of time to thoroughly read through Emergency Executive Order 20-99 thoroughly, review guidance from the University of Minnesota written specifically for equestrian businesses, and discuss privately with our family what capacity we are comfortable conducting business in. We prioritize adhering to the Governor’s Executive Orders so that we are following the rules, doing our part, running our business honorably, and avoiding the fines and punishments that come from not adhering to the orders.

According to the requirements laid out in Executive Order 20-99 Section 6.b., we are considered to be a business that offers an “Outdoor Recreational Activity” which DOES allow for social distancing. It’s easy to socially distance when you are on a horse!
Unfortunately, despite that fact, we do still have several changes to our day-to-day operations that will be in place until the Governor’s Order expires.
Please read this excerpt from the University of Minnesota’s website where they succinctly explain what is allowed and what is not allowed at equestrian businesses for the duration of Executive Order 20-99:
What is not permissible during Minnesota’s COVID-19 restrictions?
Livestock exhibitions, fairs, camps, clinics, shows, and group lessons are prohibited.
What is permissible during Minnesota’s COVID-19 restrictions?
Equine owners, barn managers and service providers are permitted to engage in activity that supports equine health and maintenance:
– Feeding
– Stall cleaning and manure management
– Turn-out and exercise
– Riding and training
– Breeding and reproduction
– Veterinary care
– Farrier care
Horse facilities may take these actions to effectively follow CDC guidelines:
– Schedule and stagger individual appointments to avoid person-to-person contact.
– Limit time at facilities.
– Sanitize commonly touched surfaces and shared equipment between uses.
University of Minnesota – “Caring for your horses during Minnesota’s COVID-19 restrictions”

- All regularly scheduled group riding lessons are cancelled until the end of the Governor’s Executive Order. Most of our program is based upon group riding lessons and group classes. Unfortunately, for the time being, we are unable to conduct group riding activities for individuals that are not in the same household. If you have a regularly scheduled group riding lesson time, that is put on hold until the Executive Order ends.
- We ARE able to conduct PRIVATE riding lessons with individuals OR members of the same household.These will be scheduled in 50 minute increments to allow for 10 minutes in between each scheduled lesson in order to limit contact between riders. Pricing will be different for these private lessons ONLY for the duration of the Executive Order.
- $75 for one rider in one private lesson
- $50 per rider for 2 or more riders from the same household
- We will have LIMITED availability for private lessons but we will do our absolute best to fit anyone into the schedule that wants to be on it! We are blessed to have anywhere between 60-70 regular riders each week, and I worry about being able to accomodate so many riders on an individual basis, but we will do everything we can to accommodate everyone that wants to ride with us during this crazy time.
- You MUST contact Sam (612-559-3232) and Mary (612-386-0279) in a group text in order to get in touch with us and get on the schedule. You can also call 612-386-0279 directly to schedule over the phone if that is easier.
- We have availability for booking individual riding lessons on weekdays Monday through Friday at the top of each hour between 10am and 5pm
- This is a TEMPORARY schedule and once the restrictions are over, we will return to our regularly scheduled group riding lessons
- Limited weekend hours will also be available on a case by case basis, please inquire if interested
- SADDLE CLUB RIDERS will still have opportunities for additional time at the barn in assisting with caring for the animals.We are so thankful and appreciative of our many saddle club members that are so helpful in assisting with lessons, chores, and caring for the horses. Since caring for the animals and conducting farm chores is deemed an Essential Service, this is still something that they can do. Please get in touch with Mary and me as usual to inquire about them coming out to the farm during this time.
I think that while these are difficult circumstances, that a lot of our riders will really benefit from and enjoy some one-on-one private instruction! I am looking forward to making the best of the situation. This is also a GREAT opportunity to get your whole household out to ride together and do something fun and SAFE during a time when so many things are closed!
Please be patient and understanding with us during this stressful time! I am sad that we need to put in restrictions, because I love working with all of you and your kids every week, but I am so thankful that we are at least able to operate in a limited capacity and I am glad that we are able to do our part in the community.

If you’d like to support our farm during this time, I also encourage you to check out our merchandise on our website! Every dollar goes toward the purchase of grain and hay cubes for our lesson horses. We have lots of cute shirts, sweatshirts, and other items that are perfect for Christmas. We will be updating with more in-stock items throughout the next couple weeks so keep an eye out! http://enchantedhollow.org/store/
Thank you,
Samantha Sansevere
Barn Manager & Riding Instructor